Keeping Your Business Up To Date With Changing Employment Law

Keeping Your Business Up To Date With Changing Employment Law

Employment law is changing, and keeping up with these changes can be a job in itself. For larger companies, doing so is not a major undertaking as individuals in sizeable HR departments or even full-time legal advisors will undoubtedly be charged with following such changes and implementing new processes accordingly. However, for smaller companies, constantly having the personnel and resources to follow, understand, and implement employment law changes is an unlikely scenario. In turn, many companies do not make relevant changes until long after they should.

Whilst specific changes, such as those regarding pay or holidays, will affect all companies immediately, other changes may only affect companies in exceptional circumstances. So these often will be overlooked, with documents not being changed at the time and in turn being completely forgotten about as other things crop up and consume a workforce’s attention.

However, there are simple ways to implement new processes and update documentation when employment laws change. It may take far less time than many companies imagine, but it may also be cost-effective.

Sourcing Business Documentation

Following changes to employment law should be relatively straightforward. There will be plenty of online resources offering advice and information about changes. In addition, it should be pretty easy to check in with these sites periodically to learn about changes as they are announced. Keeping up to date with changes should be as easy as downloading relevant, updated business documentation and updating HR procedures accordingly.

By combining simple, easy to digest information about changes to employment law with simple online business document templates, it should be effortless to alter your current processes and the documentation that governs them as and when regulations change. There are sites available that will offer you all the templates you could need for your business. For just a small annual charge, ensuring that even the smallest businesses can keep up to date with legislation without it costing them a fortune and, in turn, allowing them far more chance of competing with their much larger competitors.

Recent Changes In Employment Law

This April, several changes have come into force and knowing them and sourcing documentation relevant to them is essential for all businesses. For example, on April 6th, a law came into force that will see the employers who are unsuccessful at tribunals have to pay financial penalties on top of any payout they have to make to a claimant. Knowing about this change will not only be important to ensure that employers understand the entire financial risk of a tribunal. Also, they have a better understanding of how to face a tribunal and whether or not settling before proceedings will make far more sense. Limits for claims also have been increased.

Other changes coming this April include an increase in auto-enrolment periods, an increase in statutory maternity pay and a change to the statutory procedure on discrimination information.

The easiest way for companies to follow such changes is to use online resources and consult legal specialists. Those who always ensure that they have access to document templates to reduce the hassle and confusion that laws can cause – and in turn, processes – change.

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